The World Congress of Rail Research (WCRR) invites you to submit an abstract for potential inclusion in the official WCRR 2025 technical programme.

WCRR 2025 theme: Inspiring innovative and resilient railways

All submissions must address the 2025 theme and relate to at least one sub-theme and topic.


Inspiring the Future of Rail Transport
  • Emerging technologies in moving people and goods
  • Advancements in operations and train control technologies
  • Alternative energy sources and storage (battery, hydrogen, etc)
  • Alternative guidance and propulsion (maglev, hyperloop, etc)
  • Advancements in signaling, communications, and train detection technologies
  • Application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the railway sector
  • Advanced manufacturing methods (3D printing, etc)
  • Digital twin
  • Workforce development
  • International collaboration
  • Public-private partnership
Safety and Security
  • Safety assessment/evaluation
  • Security, including cyber security
  • Grade crossings / level crossings
  • Trespasser issues
  • Train operation safety, driver and crew, human factors
  • Maintaining a safe environment for workers
  • Derailment/capsizing and collision
  • Bio safety and security
Reliable and Easy to Maintain Asset and System Interfaces
  • Rail/wheel (vehicle-track) interaction
  • Rolling stock/pantograph-catenary interaction
  • Train marshalling
  • Car coupling (including Digital Automatic Coupling DAC)
  • Electromagnetic compatibility
  • Standards and technical regulation development
  • Test, homologation, and cross-acceptance
  • Global certification for innovative product development
  • The role of rail in an origin-to-destination transportation network
Attractive, Green, and Sustainable Railways
  • Shift from other transportation modes to rail
  • Attracting more customers
  • Improved customer experience
  • Electronic shift (paperless processes, electronic ticketing, etc)
  • Energy efficiency
  • Railway contribution to green transformation (reduced carbon footprint, etc)
  • Reduction of waste and pollution
  • Optimizing train scheduling, capacity, and operations
  • Door-to-door connectivity for passengers and freight
  • Noise/vibration countermeasures, aerodynamics
  • Diverse and engaged workforce
  • Investment and economic efficiency
Reliable and Easy to Maintain Moving Assets
  • Rolling stock design for passenger rail
  • Rolling stock design for freight rail
  • Rolling stock components/subsystems
  • Braking performance
  • Rolling stock maintenance
  • Condition-based maintenance, condition monitoring, inspection and detection, including data and predictive analytics
  • Asset management for rolling stock
  • Lightweight vehicles
  • High-speed rolling stock
Resilient, Reliable, and Intelligent Railways
  • Disruption management and response planning
  • Understanding and mitigating climate change impacts
  • Understanding and mitigating extreme weather events
  • Risk assessment and management
  • Advanced condition monitoring systems and technology
  • Service quality, reliability, on-time performance
  • Human factors
Reliable and Easy to Maintain Fixed Assets
  • Construction and restoration of new lines
  • Structures (bridges, tunnels, stations)
  • Materials and track components
  • Rail/track/infrastructure design
  • Rail/track/infrastructure maintenance
  • Condition-based maintenance, condition monitoring, inspection and detection, unmanned aerial vehicle technology in maintenance, including data and predictive analytics
  • Asset management for infrastructure
  • Electric power/catenary facilities
  • Signaling and communication systems


To view and review the presentation formats, submission guidelines, general information and terms and conditions, download the WCRR 2025 Call for Papers.

WCRR 2025 Call for Papers GUIDE

SPARK is the official WCRR repository.

WCRR 2025 papers will be made available on SPARK. SPARK is a free knowledge hub that helps the rail industry, and its research community in particular, to understand what we know and who knows it across the globe.

By sharing past and present research, we increase awareness, reduce duplication, and encourage networking and collaboration.


Abstract submissions open: June 2024

Deadline for Abstract submissions: September 27, 2024

Confirmation of accepted Abstracts: January 2025

Full papers to be provided for review: June 2025

Deadline for early bird registrations: July 18, 2025

Deadline for submission of full and final paper: September 2025

Speaker registration deadline: September 2025

WCRR 2025: 17-21 November 2025


Abstracts can be submitted for oral or workshop presentations.

Oral presentations

Oral presenters will be asked to make a verbal presentation at the conference including a PowerPoint presentation.  The presentation will run for 20 minutes plus five minutes Q+A, totalling 25 minutes.

Workshop proposals

Authors will have the opportunity to submit a proposal to run a 30-40 minute technical workshop during the event. Your proposal must include a workshop title, an overview of content and desired outcomes, as well as a listing of proposed speakers.


Select your theme and complete the form

Inspiring the Future of Rail Transport

Attractive, Green, and Sustainable Railways

Resilient, Reliable, and Intelligent Railways

Safety and Security

Reliable and Easy to Maintain Moving Assets

Reliable and Easy to Maintain Fixed Assets

Reliable and Easy to Maintain Asset and System Interfaces

Further questions

If you have any queries about your submission or require any further information, please email ihha.wcrr@informa.com